Medical Weight Loss -

Medical Weight Loss -

FDA Approved Semaglutide is a game changing weight loss injection administered once a week. To maximize your results, we have paired Semaglutide with our Lipotropic, Fat Burner injection!

reduce appetite, feel fuller longer, regulate blood sugar, & reduce cravings!

  • As we age, losing weight can be incredibly difficult. A newly FDA-approved weight-loss medicine is here to help. Studies have demonstrated that Semaglutide reduced appetite, improved control of eating, and reduced food cravings in addition to improved glycemic control. The greatest weight loss benefits were observed when Semaglutide is used in combination with lifestyle changes.

  • In 2 months, you could lose up to 25 pounds.

    In 4 months, you could lose up to 50 pounds or more!

    The goal is 6 months is to lose at least 15% of your body weight.

  • The program starts you on small dose (0.25mg) once a week for 4 week to minimize the side effects of the medication. We will then slowly increase your dose to a maximum dose of 1mg per week. You must meet (via telemedicine) with our medical doctor once a month for a check in. For maximum results, we will provide a meal plan, and recommend increasing physical activity as well.

  • Semaglutide is an injectable medication which helps control blood sugar in type 2 diabetics. Semaglutide belongs to a group of medications called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists, which mimic the hormone GLP-1 in your body to lower blood sugar levels after you’ve eaten a meal.

    Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is a hormone that has a huge impact on the regulation of blood sugar. It works by stimulating glucose-dependent insulin secretion. Insulin is a hormone that promotes sugar uptake by the cells, stores sugar as glycogen, facilitates the building of fat, and signals the body to build skeletal muscle. Additionally, GLP-1 inhibits glucagon release. This slows down the release of sugar into the blood so that you can burn more fat, slows down gastric emptying (makes you feel full), and drastically reduces the desire for food intake (because you feel full).

  • Semaglutide shouldn’t be used if you or your family have a history of certain thyroid cancers such as Medullary thyroid cancer or endocrine neoplasia type 2. Semaglutide should not be used in people with a history of pancreatitis. Semaglutide should be used cautiously for people on other blood sugar lowering medications.

How it works

  • Complete Medical intake form

    All clients must fill out the intake form as it is specific to Semaglutide and differs from the IV infusion medical history form.

  • Medical Review

    Our medical professionals will review your intake form and decide if Semaglutide is right for you. Blood work will be required and then you will be contacted for a meeting with our medical doctor (Dr. Andrew Epstein, DO) to review your history and for any additional questions.

  • Weight Loss Plan

    A meal plan will be provided and review of lifestyle changes for lasting weight loss. Each week you will be required to get a Semaglutide injection for the duration of the 6 month program and meet monthly with our physician.

Weight Loss plan

  • Plan includes weekly 0.25mg injection of Semaglutide, weekly injections of the Skinny Shot (Lipo-Mino), meeting with our physician, and weekly meal plans.

  • Plan includes weekly 0.5mg injection of Semaglutide, weekly injections of the Skinny Shot (Lipo-Mino), meeting with our physician, and weekly meal plans.

  • Plan includes weekly 1mg injection of Semaglutide, weekly injections of the Skinny Shot (Lipo-Mino), meeting with our physician, and weekly meal plans.